The following local businesses have generously donated to our school this year!

Sponsorship Tiers
Lift Off Sponsor: $250+
Business name will be featured in our newsletter given to all families(and posted to our website)
Name included on our end-of-year banner
Small logo featured in the "Thank You" section of our yearbook
Taking Flight Sponsor: $500
Business name featured on the homepage of our website
Special "highlight" of your business in our newsletter
Company featured on our end-of-year banner
Logo featured in the "Thank You" section of the yearbook
Gliding Sponsor: $1,000+
1/2 page ad/logo in our school yearbook
Business logo featured on the homepage of our website
Logo featured on the bottom of all FOMS newsletters for the remainder of the school-year
Special "highlight" of your business in our newsletter
Company featured on our end-of-year banner
Logo featured in the "Thank You" section of the yearbook
Soaring Sponsor: $2,000+
Social media post highlighting your business
One week business feature on our school marquee
Full page ad/logo in our school yearbook
Logo featured on the homepage of our website with prominent placement
Logo featured on the bottom of all FOMS newsletters for the remainder of the school-year
Special "highlight" of your business in our newsletter
Company featured on our end-of-year banner
Logo featured in the “Thank You” section of the yearbook

Corporate Matching
As a registered non-profit, Friends Of Main Street qualifies for corporate matching (or "gift matching"), a philanthropic program where businesses match donations made by their employees to non-profits. Many local tech companies, including Google, Apple, and Netflix will match your donations, even 2:1! Please inquire with your company if they take part.